May 12, 2022Liked by Francis Melia | CoachFHM

Hey Francis! I am 21 years old, feel as if I’m having some hormone issues. I get 10k plus steps a day and lift 4-5 times a week, and get around 8 hours of sleep. I eat very well, mainly protein dominant Whole Foods and carbs like white rice and potatoes, and no alcohol. At times I may overexercise. My body is always achy, I am breaking out with cystic acne, my T levels are 491 total and 11.91 free. At 21, would you recommend hormone therapy?

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Hey Steve,

Hell of a question man with a lot of things to unpack. Firstly, I don't know about your training regime. But I'd look at making sure you're taking deload weeks every 6-12 weeks to make sure you're allowing for recovery.

What's your sleep and wake time, are you going to bed at the same time each day and waking around the same time? Make sure you do this and get some natural light within the first 15 mins of waking up to set your circadian rhythm.

Also gotta look at your diet. I know you said you're eating clean foods, but make sure no seed oils are creeping in etc.

I personally would't recommend hormone therapy at such a young age man.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022Liked by Francis Melia | CoachFHM

Wow thanks for such a detailed response mate!

Honestly I hadn’t taken a deload week in about 2 years lol, I got stuck in a all gas no brakes mindset. I’ve taken the past two weeks off and energy is slightly better.

Sleep is a little bit off since I have loud roommates, but I try to get 8-9 hours, but it’s not always at the same time frame or circadian rhythm

I cook all my own food from scratch and I’m fully aware of seed oils and hell no Im not putting that shit in my body.

I think I’m just frustrated because I’m breaking out w acne and struggling to put on muscle even though I feel like I’m so strict about routine and diet.

I’ll take your advice and hold off on the hormone therapy, I’d just love to feel some good energy, maybe all I need is just a little time away from the gym and beating myself up. Appreciate the help man!

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May 12, 2022Liked by Francis Melia | CoachFHM

I'm working round a hip/lower back injury at the minute so squats, deadlifts and RDLs are out of the question for a few weeks at least. What excercises would you recommend I do in place of them in the meantime, if any?

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Find pain free movements and train.

Leg presses, leg extensions, leg curls etc.

Reverse hyper if you have access to one.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Francis Melia | CoachFHM

What do you have to do to "peak" at a certain time in order to attempt your 1 rep max, compete, etc.?

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You've gotta drop overall volume and practice the skill of lifting heavy weights in the 1-5 rep range with the specific movements you're gonna test.

Sub-maximal single are also a great tool in these phases in order to sharpen technical proficiency.

Eg -

1x1 @ RPE 6 as a top set

3x3 @ RPE7 as your backdown sets

Spend a couple of months doing the above.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Francis Melia | CoachFHM

If having lots of muscle mass helps athletes play most contact and non contact team sports, how would you balance training for hypertrophy and training like an athlete for your sport?

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You've gotta do it in phases as you can't do everything at once.

The off season should be spent training for hypertrophy and eating more food.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Francis Melia | CoachFHM

Best exercises for back ..with least strain for a degenerative disc

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Chest supported rows and seal rows are fantastic.

Also any sort of vertical pull like a pulldown/pull up with multiple different grips.

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deletedMay 12, 2022Liked by Francis Melia | CoachFHM
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That's a lot of questions in one brother.

Read this!


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Could you send me the full article to sandhu1990@yahoo.co.uk please? I will subscribe when i get a bit spare dosh

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